Opening Press Conference
25.09.2018 Calafat, Romania
Cultural House
Local Employers Association for Small and Middle Enterprises Calafat organized on the 25th of September 2018, a opening Press Conference within the project “Remember the war, appreciate the liberty” financed under the Interreg V-A Romania-Bulgaria Programme.
This event took place in the meeting hall of Cultural House Calafat, and was addressed to mass-media, to interested local stakeholders and to the project beneficiaries.
Team members present at the meeting from Lead Beneficiary, Agency for Regional Development and Business Center (ARDBC) Vidin was Mr. Eftim Stefanov – Chairman and Mrs. Petya Voyceva .
From Beneficiary 2, Local Employers Association for Small and Middle Enterprises Calafat meeting was attended by Mr. Ionel Dumitrescu- President, Mr. Alin Dumbrăvea – Project coordinator and Mrs. Marilena Baciu -accountant.
The agenda of the meeting was as follows:
Under point one of the Agenda, Mr. Ionel Dumitrescu, President of Local Employers Association for Small and Middle Enterprises Calafat had the welcome speech.
After the welcome speech, Mr. Ionel Dumitrescu introduced the representatives of Lead Beneficiary to mass media and to the other participants at press conference. At this point of the meeting each representative of project beneficiaries presented their role in the project.
Under point two of the Agenda, Mr. Alin Dumbrăvea, made a presentation of the project, including objectives, goals, target groups in cross-border area, project expected results, and also, a description of the project’s activities in the Romanian and Bulgarian side.
Also, he outlined the importance of developing this kind of project in cross-border area, which has the aim to create and promote a representative tourist product for the cross-border area Calafat – Vidin by bringing to life the athmosphere of 1877-1878 Independence War battles and inauguration of an event, “Calafat and Vidin in 1877-1878 period”, with cross-border resonance. Another major challenge is the implication of young pupils in the reconstruction of this battle through the military trainings, putting them in direct contact with a military outfit and military everyday life for the corresponding historical epoch.
Mr. Evtim Stefanov highlighting the impact of this project in cross-border area, through epochal and historical atmosphere through original items or uniforms and gear manufactured including edged weapons and fire arms replicas, congruent with the original historical items, for the period commemorated.
After the presentation of the project, Mr. Ionel Dumitrescu and Mr. Alin Dumbravea answered to the questions of the participants at the press conference.
In the ending of the event there were free discussions between participants.